Presidential detail training program

The National Bodyguard Association of Russia (The NAST) was established in Moscow on December 20th 1995 by retired KGB 9th Directorate “Kremlin-9» - today's FSO - (Presidential security service) officers. For 12 years The NAST has been the only professional bodyguard organization, which is working to establish and control a Close Protection professional approach in Russia. The NAST Russia executives have more than 25 years experience in protecting the world's most noted persons, in both the political and private sectors.

Below is described the course designed for presidential level specialists. Principle peculiarity of the course is elaborating already existing tasks with available means and force in current political situation. Course’s basic principle is experience sharing. Literally, we do not teach – we show how it works in any situation, how this process must be described on paper and executed in practice. Program mainframes are based only on instructor’s multiyear personal experience.


Dmitry Fonarev with Gorbachev

Course confidential conducting is guaranteed by personal responsibility understanding.

The NAST Academy approach determines five basic topics to be explored and comprehended:

Strategy – an overall idea what tasks must be executed to protect any given object. Thus about 40 tasks are determined to secure a high-risk person completely. System terms and condition, executive links and subordinates.

Logistic – a given means and forces specific arrangement. Documentation and personal duties. Systematic responsibilities.

Technology a certain routine of the practical security process, to achieve the initial goal. 5 technological steps.

Tactic – a totality of measures and methods for security details and individuals.

Technique – required professional skills. Practice and drills.

Main goal of the program is mutual elaboration of the most reliable ways and methods for personal protection of the high ranking state persons. The Program takes into consideration available forces, possibilities, equipment (means) and also current national securities overall tasks. The final schedule being confirmed after mutual deliberation. Terms and topics can be changed according to actual situation.

By this course organizing it's highly necessary to take into consideration that listeners are practically always divided into two levels or groups:
Executive (Headquarter officers) & Management. (Advance, access, sweep, counter surveillance, control room teams and protection details) level.

From a methodological point of view we recommend to separate the first two topics from the rest. Strategy and Logistic are important but not an essential for management level, and vice versa. We do not recommend spending time on unimportant things. That is why below described program is balanced for executive level listeners.

Course General Manager

The President of the National Bodyguard Association (NAST) of Russia
Dmitry N. Fonarev

Basic program mainline

Target auditory - presidential detail personnel, instructors, headquarter personnel, security experts and consultants Course aim – Mutual drawing up of the most effective methods of organization and insurance for the state’s top persons personal protection according to the national law enforcements detail current tasks and goals.


Course tasks

- Enhancing understanding the place and role of existing presidential protection system for newcomers
- Providing comprehensive information of the latest methods, technologies and techniques, that can be applied in previously planned and most expected public and private situation worldwide.
- Security personnel practical training and drills to ensure their ability to respond fast, and properly to any unexpected situations
- Getting confidence in the personal protection staffs` personal ability to act in tight and unpredictable situations
- Increasing of listeners personal professional skills
- Enhancing of terrorist/criminals attack methods database
- Listener personal/group practical skills testing
- Effective help in system’s documents compilation and organizing

Essential  environment:

Classroom with white/black board, video and media equipment
Tactical environment for embusing/debussing, action in ambush, contersniper drills
25 meters shooting range (3 lanes at least)
combat sport hall (dodjo)

Course working forms

Theoretical classes
Practice and drills
Training through consistent simulations
Video demonstration and media presentation
Current and final test events

Course methods

Direct information presentation
Personal/group questions
Practical brainstorming
Troubleshooting solutions

N.B. For tactical practice and drills, there must be a previously agreed schedule and program based on course environment particulars.

 aleks fonarev close protection

Basic close protection skills included to the program mainline

• Surveillance and counter surveillance
• Logic mode of thinking
• Close quarter battle  (special shooting and unarmed counteraction)
• Pedestrian escort (solo and group formations)
• Limo escort and following car motorcade formation
• Alarm/ambush driving
• Paramedicine
• Communication
• ESD/IED (Electronic surveillance devises/Improvised explosive devises) sweep/search/recognition
• Personal psychophysics support and regulation
• Professional ethics and etiquette
• Team management
• Post duties discipline

According to wishes program can be extend to include following topics:
Protective and evasive driving
Personal search and access control
Extended ESD sweep/search/protection
Counter sniper shooting
Antiterrorist measurements
Maritime/aviation security
Nourishment security
VIP personal requirements
And some more actual topics to be added after host deliberation…


     10 training days.
Total time 84 “academic” (45 minutes long) hours.
Daily 8 hours. 10-15 minutes breaks after every two working hours except practical drills.
     Our training experience is not recommended to exceed 8 academic hours (about 6 normal). It leads group to overwork

after 3-4 days from the start. So training day schedule we see as:

09.00 - 10.30 – first training session
10.50 - 12.20 – second training session
12.20 - 13.30 – lunchtime
13.30 - 15.00 – third training session
15.20 - 16.50 – forth training session

One day interval is recommended after 6th training day.

We propose an existing basic program just as a draft to be revising and complete.

Basic Course schedule & topics

Day 1

– Introduction, course content, training overview, listener’s questions. Professional glossary.

– CP personnel place and role in a world history (deadly examples). CP detail structure, documents and equipment. Hostile environments in different countries. Professional protocol.

base 1

– lunch

– The overview of history of the World’s most well known governmental CP schools and difference in approach. Goals and tasks of presidential security system.


Day 2

– Personal protection strategy, basic system structure, system details interaction Team/details formatting and cooperation. Alarm conception.

– lunch

– High level Counterterrorist measurements equipment.  Original optic detectors familiarization, working tactic and technique (Class room)

Day 3

– Personal protection modern technology. Planning and preparation.

– Security measurements in a living and working place. Routes/trips security measurements. Action in mass riot and force-majeure situations  

– lunch

– Antiterrorist practice, drills and simulation. Actions during alarm. Outdoor practice.


Day 4

– Surveillance and counter surveillance. Suspicious behaviour and reaction.

– VIP zone conception. Access to mass crowd events. Mass media access and working routine. Communication skills.

– lunch

– Pedestrian escort. Security formations. Embussing/debussing. Outdoor practice

Day 5

– Objects security preparation and access control. Tactic & technique.

– Sweep/search place and role in state level events and confidential home/abroad meetings/travels.

– lunch

– Car/room/route sweep/search. Outdoor practice.


Day 6

– Post duties and locations.

– Local/abroad trips/voyages. Planning and preparations.


– Law enforcement co ordination. Alert and alarm actions

– State level event practice planning.


Day 7

– Car escort. Motorcade planning and movement. Following cars tasks, place and role.

– Notorious roads/marine/flights cases. Terrorist ambush and attack tactic. Security forces deadly mistakes.

– lunch

– test shooting class (shooting range)
Weapons Familiarization, zeroing shots,
First test shooting
25 meters, free position, 10 rounds in sport target, no time - (confirmation of skill level of participants)
International bodyguard shooting standard “TOP 9” – (confirmation what skill level shooters are from professional point of view)
30 rounds per person minimum requirement.


Day 8

- Paramedicine theory. ABC/trauma management. Evacuation / rescue and hospital routine.

- lunch

– Paramedicine practice (European resuscitation standards). AMBU/LOERDAL dummy. Defibrillator. Test.


Day 9

– Personal protection detail post duties. PSO place and role.

– Control room working routine. VIP personal requirements and security measurements. (Hobby, sport, leisure etc.) Family relationship particulars.
– lunch

– Professional ethic and etiquette. Coordination with state protocol services.

– Close quarter battle test event. Armed and unarmed combat.

cqb 1

Day 10

Final group test event. Simulation of the VIP working day with tactical and ambush tasks.
Result overview. Final Q&A meeting.

According to circumstances and requirements above mentioned training days/hours and topics could be revised and changed. For example, if Paramedicine class will be not required, those hours could be substitute for agreed topics.
Detailed class descriptions could be presented in short forms on special request.


Course dates must be announced a month in advance.

Essential instructor group arrives two days before and could be of 3-5 persons. It depends on program mutual final decision. Сcounterterrorist specialists will attend course for two days and Paramedics for one day respectively.

Visa support, travel/transfer routine, accommodation and meals are a subject to be concern for organizers.

Full topic list could be sent by special request.
Course terms (days and hours) could be changed in advance.
Two groups (both executive and management levels) can take classes in parallel. It can require more instructors.

Contact –

Other training proposal:

- KGB Close Protection Doctrine. 6 days course. Training cours for PSO/EPO.